New Lifetogether Publishing Partnerships
At Lifetogether, we are always exploring new ways to partner with local churches to help them leverage the power of community to reach their community for Christ. Over the years, we have produced professionally published video curriculum for hundreds of the largest and the fastest growing churches in America. In many of those cases, these churches may already have extensive production and creative services at their disposal. Understandably, many of our partnering churches have a deep desire to connect their interior congregation by producing professional video-based curriculum and churchwide alignment campaigns, but sometimes budget or staffing interfere with making this vision happen.
As a result, we are introducing TWO new publishing partnerships that share the cost for both staffing and securing necessary equipment for such a production, without losing any quality and expertise. Essentially, we are seeking to scale both the equipment and the team necessary to produce a series for more moderate size churches that have limited budget and resources. We will work with you and your team to help produce a project, with our expert direction and proven strategies, to develop far-reaching and community-oriented curriculum just for your congregation.
An additional bonus feature to these programs is that they can serve as the perfect first step, or even next step, in developing more and better curriculum in your church. They’re designed in a train-the-trainer format, which makes for a more sustainable and discipleship-centric timeline.
Here’s Brett introducing the new Lifetogether Publishing Program!
We are partnering with a handful of local churches this next season, offering a special price and package for churches to produce, for the first time or for the next time, their own curriculum production. This will be done as an in-house, forty day-like curriculum that is based off of your Senior pastor’s existing teaching ministry. These curriculum are proven to be and bring the “Wow factor” to any congregation. Our past partnerships with some of the largest and fastest growing churches in the country have shown exponential results, getting north of 75% of a congregation connected through these campaigns. We understand that the cost and resources required can be exorbitant at times, and not every church feels that they are at the right stage to pursue this type of production and curriculum.
This is why we are introducing the Lifetogether Publishing Program, where we bring in our Lifetogether team of experts writers, producers, designers, etc to partner with your team in producing your own curriculum. By utilizing our equipment and staffing, the burden of cost and resources does not fall entirely on your ministry. Other great features of this program is that we would help you develop a full color curriculum study guide, promotional clips for the weekend service, strategies on effective staffing models, and coaching on how to produce video curriculum on a weekly basis. Spots are limited as we launch this next phase of the new publishing model, so be sure to contact us today to learn more on how your church can get involved.
Here’s Brett introducing the new Small Group Publishing Offer!
Who doesn’t love going 50/50? Whether the occasion is sharing food, sharing ideas, or sharing places, we always enjoy partnering with others in some way or another.
That’s why, for a limited time, we are rolling out a Small Group Publishing Offer for churches and ministries. This offer is another great, affordable way in which we would partner together, 50/50, to share the cost of producing, publishing, and distributing your curriculum. Instead of having to go to a third-party publisher or purchasing curriculum directly from them, you can have your own!
As you well know, Lifetogether Ministries has partnered with many of the largest and fastest growing churches across the nation. Our team of experts has worked together with diverse ministries in leveraging the life and leadership of a church’s Senior pastor, in order to reach the local community for Christ.
Our team will come alongside churches of any stage or size to produce your first video curriculum at a significantly less cost or even no cost. After production, your congregation can purchase the published materials from us and even make it available to other churches in your network on our platform. We’ll produce them in both physical and online formats for you as well.
There is no time like the present to produce your own in-house video curriculum series, instead of purchasing curriculum from other publishers and authors. Your congregation wants to hear your pastor, over any other pastor, and will respond to your church’s calls to both lead, serve and participate in your custom in-house campaign. Again, spots are limited for when we launch this offer, so contact us below today!
Here are a few samples of how we’ve helped to expand ministries using these publishing models!
These new programs are great for churches looking to jumpstart campaigns this Fall, but also would like to explore new ways to navigate and manage their limited resources. We do have a limited number of openings, so contact us today if you are interested!
Discover our NEW Coaching Programs!
For those of you who learn best in community and have a limited budget, this program is more affordable than our consulting partnerships.