Church Innovations

Brett Eastman

This program wasn’t completely my idea….

I was at a crossroads. So I asked my friend Rick Warren, What should I do in the next season of my life? Reflecting on the time I’d served on staff with him at Saddleback Church, Rick said, “You didn’t just help launch and lead our small-group ministry. You didn’t simply produce our 40-Day campaigns strategy. Instead, you helped crack the code for innovation, creativity, and ministry breakthroughs all across the church.” 

Rick knows me well (we’ve been in a small group together for about twenty years), so I listened as he encouraged me to work with churches in sort of an adjunct faculty role to champion innovation and trailblazing. Since then—long story short—I’ve served as Chief Innovations Officer at a variety of churches. The partnership proved strategic and energizing for them—and I had a blast. 

Now, I know that churches like yours are always interested in learning the best practices, the latest innovations, and the recent creative breakthroughs that help maximize the impact of ministry. As you’ll see below, in addition to dozens of electives, Church Innovations offers several Consulting and Coaching Tracks—and we’ll make one right for you! 

The first step is simple! Choose one of the major tracks and a handful of electives that meet your current needs. After an initial assessment, we’ll develop a strategic plan that systematically addresses those needs. Next, we establish a master calendar, and then we begin a series of intentional conversations and online learning experiences.

Together, the custom track, strategically handpicked electives, and careful assessment provide a foundation for the conversations, training, and engagement that will unfold over the course of six months to a year. We’ll involve different levels of church leaders, both on-staff and volunteer so that key players understand both the vision and how to get there.


Do you know what the largest and fastest-growing churches do to experience breakthroughs, develop fresh approaches, and gain greater expertise in ministry? LifeTogether does- and we want to share with you what we’ve learned!

Through the years,  churches retool or at least tweak their systems, strategies, and staffing due to natural shifts in culture, emerging innovations, staff changes, and church growth. Church Innovations helps you be more intentional whatever the circumstances.

As you look through the ministry tracks we offer, you may recognize right away the one that’s right for you, or you may not be sure until after the assessment- and that’s OK! You’ll also have the opportunity to choose from our electives list based on your needs.

Know, too, that –based on your current needs and ones that arise–we will update and refine the track you choose so that it will long serve as a catalyst for dynamic ministry and healthy growth. 

1. Sermon Planning, Preaching & Programming

The timeless principles and strategies for sermon prep and delivery are well understood. But, aware that congregations and the culture at large seem less responsive to traditional practices, the country’s fastest-growing churches are building on the past using 21st-century ideas and methods. You, too, can breathe fresh life into your preaching as you: 

  • Discover the latest breakthroughs and innovations in preaching and teaching styles, formats, and programming
  • Network with like-minded pastors and churches around the country
  • Gain access to outlines, manuscripts and audio files from cutting-edge churches 
  • Learn the best ways to build a master calendar and plan your sermon series
  • Hear the teachings of innovative senior pastors, worship leaders, and creative directors
  • Connect with new mentor churches and hear established as well as emerging voices in the church today 
  • See what growing churches are preaching and what they do to reinforce their vision and values
  • Get sermon ideas and inspiration for major church weekends like Christmas, Easter, and Mother’s Day
2. Small Group Ministry & Connection Strategies

Most churches understand the value of members both engaging with one another and reaching out to the local community. What are the most effective ways to reach those desired outcomes? Learning the best practices and proven methods can help grow your congregation as well as enhance your effectiveness in the community. In this track, you will:  

  • Find guidelines for catalyzing an unlimited number of small-group leaders
  • Get 100% of your congregation connected with one another
  • Cultivate in your church a network of disciples who make disciples
  • Learn how to produce your own campaigns and curriculum
  • Consider ways your church community can reach your local community for Christ
  • Recruit, train, and develop leaders—and those who lead them
  • Discover the secrets of sustaining small groups and growing that program
  • Harness the power of technology and media as you launch and lead groups
3. Volunteer Ministry & Leadership Development

The sad realities of declining weekend attendance and a more limited budget make recruiting and developing volunteers even more critical to the life of a church. And we have every reason to believe that this need for volunteers in ministry will only continue to grow. With the proven models and tested practices LifeTogether has to share, any church can increase exponentially both the size of its volunteer army and the ministry impact these servants have. In this Volunteer Ministry and Leadership Development track, you’ll learn how to:

  • Recruit high-powered full-time and part-time volunteer staff
  • Manage well your volunteer pipeline
  • Mobilize people in the ministry in just weeks
  • Find the best fit for everyone who volunteers 
  • Get the results you need from your volunteers—and retain the good ones
  • Develop ministry teams and train their leaders
  • Mobilize members for short-term projects and critical church-wide initiatives
  • Build a volunteer-driven staff
  • Encourage long-term volunteers, grow them spiritually, and sharpen their skills
  • Discover effective methods for developing classes, curriculum, and online courses that enable individuals to identify and exercise their spiritual gifts
4. Church-wide Innovations and Breakthroughs

The 1000 largest churches in America didn’t just get lucky! Learn from them the best practices, their latest innovations, and the breakthrough ideas most effective for them. In addition to inspiring you, these ideas—aggregated and curated by LifeTogether—will guide our conversations about every area of ministry. In this custom track, you will: 

  • Hear fresh ideas from churches leading the way with new ideas about worship and ministry
  • Learn about the breakthrough strategies these churches have successfully implemented
  • Customize what you learn and like to your context, church culture, and community
  • Benefit from the breadth of input from all tribes, regions, and theological persuasions 
  • See how the latest and greatest tools, training, and technology can help you minister
  • Discover effective growth engines, proven performance drivers, and helpful lead indicators
  • Focus on your and/or you congregation’s felt needs as well as the untapped real needs
  • Bring hundreds of church laboratories right to your front door
5. Next-Step Assimilation, Discipleship & Engagement

While on staff at Saddleback Church, Pastor Rick Warren used to call me “Pastor Next-Step” because of the partnership we developed between his teaching ministry and the next-step opportunities for the congregation. On this track, you’ll learn to design and develop the best ways to invite people in and then guide them through a systematic process for spiritual growth and vitality. Also in this track, you will: 

  • Define and develop your discipleship pathway 
  • Learn proven strategies to move people from the street to the seat 
  • Evaluate multiple assimilation and retention models
6. Engaging Technology, Digital Media & Next Gen Marketing

Of course you want your church to not merely survive; you want it to thrive now and in the future. To help ensure that, learn how to leverage emerging technologies, new media, and your online platform. Also, growing churches are finding more and better ways to increase the impact their lead pastor can have using content already created. Through this track, you will:

  • Develop a vision for your church’s technological, digital, and next-gen marketing future 
  • Discover ways to repurpose your pastor’s content digitally 
  • Learn how to recruit high-capacity professional media and technology volunteers
  • Discover the latest technological breakthroughs and innovations
  • Find more productive ways to engage people online
  • Sharpen the saw of your current media, technology and online pastors
  • Learn how to launch Small Groups and mobilize volunteers from your online platform
  • Develop new ways to produce more engaging online weekend services
  • Discover follow-up, retention, and assimilation strategies that work online
  • Find better ways to align technology and media with core priorities and weekend services.
7. Local Outreach, Evangelism and Community Engagement

You will learn the best practices, latest innovations, and breakthrough ideas from over 1000 of the largest churches in America. These aggregated and curated ideas will serve as the backbone to our conversations in every area of ministry.

  • Latest learnings from thought leading churches
  • Breakthrough strategies and proven performance drivers
  • Customize to your context, church culture, and community
  • Learnings from across tribes, regions, and theological persuasions
  • Latest and greatest tools, training, and technology
  • Serve as a part-time Chief Innovation Officer (CIO)
  • Discover growth engines, performance drivers, and lead indicators
  • Focus on your felt needs and your untapped real needs
  • Bringing hundreds of church laboratories to your front door
8. Customized Consulting Track

What can LifeTogether do for you? Let us know what you need, what you want, and even what you dream of. Then, after we meet and do an initial assessment, we will create a one-year planning calendar fully customized to you and your church. On the calendar will be plans based on aspects of the track you select and the electives you choose. You’ll be set for an exciting and transformative year as you: 

  • Identify the church’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Note recent successes and current challenges
  • Ask key church leaders and volunteers their perspective on the church’s strengths, weaknesses, successes, and challenges
  • Survey the church’s resources—the people as well as the finances
  • Set goals for this year, five years from now, and ten years from now
  • Get specific about how to reach the one-year goals
  • Plan for what can be done now to facilitate fulfillment of the five- and ten-year goals
9. Content Champion

You spend long hours each week prepping for a 30-minute sermon, and then when it’s over, no one may ever hear about it again. But what if you could take the best sermons you’ve written and used them to create additional materials like books, curriculum, devotionals, study guides, courses, journals, social media posts, and more? With LifeTogether’s Content Champion, you can do exactly that. Repurposing what you’ve done, we’ll help you create evergreen products in dozens of new formats, applications, and platforms for use both on and beyond your campus. You can already offer ideas and inspiration to pastors across the country who work hard every week to find great content. With Content Champion, you’ll be able to: 

  • Create resources that take your people deeper and wider in their study of God’s Word
  • Use existing sermon series as content for new resources (no additional research or writing involved!)
  • Build a library of resources—based on material you’ve produced—that your church can both use and make available for purchase
  • Grow your church by sharing materials for use in your church’s midweek small groups or discipleship circles—but share beyond the church campus too
  • Transform any sermon series into a video-driven small-group curriculum
  • Leverage for the future what you’ve learned journeying through life with Jesus, what your church leadership experience taught you, and what legacy you hope to leave for those who come after you


Choose from dozens of LifeTogether electives featuring ideas and practices proven effective in some of the country’s largest and fastest-growing churches. Having these new or sharpened tools at hand will mean greater impact for your ministries. 

Go Deeper and Wider With Online Experience & Audience Participation

Produce In-Home Video Curriculum & Alignment Campaigns With Your Team

Catalyze Community with Breakthrough Weekend Alignment Strategies

Discover Proven Models for recruiting & developing unlimited leaders

Revolutionary media & technology breakthroughs for your service

Produce Engaging Video Productions by encouraging member participation

Cutting-Edge Tools and Resources to bring church to your community

Develop Events & Activities to Mobilize and Motivate More Volunteers

Learn fresh new approaches, next generation small group ministry

Determining growth engines, key performance drivers & catalysts

New ideas, topics, & outlines: Preaching strategies to sharpen your impact

The generosity factor: Breakthrough ways to increase your giving

Recruit, train and develop high-capacity leaders and volunteers

Repurpose Past Content to Professionally Produce Books and Resources

Weekend & Next-Step Assimilation Strategies for Stronger Connections

Refine & Multiply Off-Site venues with new micro/macro site strategies

Leverage your life, leadership, legacy for the kingdom

Seeker to Leader: Create a successful discipleship pathway

Maximizing holiday services: Christmas, Easter and beyond

“Lifetogether Coaching has proven to be the single most effective tool for attacking my ministry goals.”
Phil Amaya, Senior Pastor

Digital Ministry Platforms

Leveraging the extensive library of, and access to, highly produced Lifetogether content, we developed a suite of 8 platforms that provide education, inspiration and coaching needed for churches and their members to engage, connect and grow.

Doing Church Remotely is an online service to prepare you for both present and future online ministry. Once your church regathers, online ministry should continue. The greatest opportunity is before you to engage with an ever expanding audience. With our unique digital applications and resources, we will lead you in leveraging technology and media in ways that we have never considered before. LifeTogether’s nine digital ministry platforms are part of this unique Doing Church Remotely Partnership. Each church will receive a free one year all access pass to each of these platforms that are guaranteed to exponentially multiply your online ministry impact.


Church Ministry Assessment

  • Establish the initial and ongoing relationship with key staff
  • Complete an initial comprehensive assessment and ongoing evaluation
  • Create the ministry plan, objectives and a master calendar

On-Campus Visits (when available)

  • Establish the initial and ongoing relationship with key staff
  • Complete an initial comprehensive assessment and ongoing evaluation
  • Determine and develop the combined customized tracks & electives
  • Create the ministry plan, objectives and a master calendar

Virtual Team Meetings

  • Designed to address strategic topics selected from the Top 100 learnings
  • Serve as a review of the progress and renewal of next-step plans
  • Targeting strategic leadership and ministry teams

Online Video Coaching Sessions

  • Take advantage of on-line training sessions designed by topic
  • Available at your convenience to choose sessions based on individual or ministry needs
  • Wide variety of coaching topics developed over years of working with the largest and fastest growing churches

 One-On-One Coaching Calls

  • Calls for the senior pastor and team leaders
  • Master schedule will be developed to help determine which individuals based off of content and conversation
  • Includes regular and infrequent sessions with staff members, ministry team leaders, and key volunteers
  • Sessions serve as a deeper dive on strategic topics plus accountability and preparation for team meetings

Online Toolbox

  • Training videos for senior pastors and staff
  • Exclusive Top 100 articles and downloads
  • Live case studies from the leading churches
  • Teaching materials and session downloads
  • Webinars with Brett and faculty of Pastors
  • Small group and volunteer training materials

What Leading Pastors Are Saying

Gene Appel

Gene Appel

Eastside Christian Church

“LifeTogether is not just the name of an organization. It’s what they do. Brett Eastman and his team have come alongside us to produce better leaders, more polished curriculum, stronger groups, and- maybe best of all- lots more groups. We are grateful for their partnership.”

Dale Oquist

Dale Oquist

Peoples Church

“I am a big fan of Brett Eastman and LifeTogether because he has helped me, as the pastor of a large church, to connect with our faith family in deep and significant ways. He has made the difficult possible, and assisted our quest to create an intimate culture despite the size of our church.”

Rick Warren

Rick Warren

Saddleback Church

“When it comes to the dream-it-up phase of a project – where you imagine the possibilities, consider the alternatives, and produce a scenario for communicating your message in a compelling way – I’ve never met anyone who can match Brett’s genius.”

Greg Surratt

Greg Surratt

Seacoast Church

“It’s been a joy to work with Brett and the LifeTogether team. In addition to increasing our small- group engagement, we have learned some principles that will help us over the long haul. As a coach, Brett challenged me to do more with recording small group curriculum than I thought I could. They made a challenging process fun. I highly recommend partnering with LifeTogether in your ministry.”

Wayne Cordeiro

Wayne Cordeiro

New Hope Oahu

“Brett’s ministry, heart, and skills made it possible for us to quadruple our small-group involvement. He is a competent and hands-on coach with the sensitivity necessary to make it all come together.”

Tim Harlow

Tim Harlow

Parkview Christian Church

“We always felt bad about the low numbers of people we had connected in groups. But we had the excuse of rapid growth and never thought it was possible to keep up. Until LifeTogether. Now we can almost make the ridiculous claim  that we have as many people connected in groups as we have attending in a given weekend. It never would have been possible without my friends at LifeTogether.”


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