Get a preview of some of our latest worship productions.
Lifetogether can produce and direct a worship experience with your team, your musicians, and the songs that connect with your people. It’s a great resource for small groups, house churches, multisites and microsites!
Acoustic Worship
Lifetogether provides full-service production of 6-12 songs with a small acoustic band and a small community of worshipers. We offer live sound recording and subtitled lyrics to give this simple production style an intimate feel.

Living Room Worship
Lifetogether provides full-service production for 6-12 songs with a medium sized band and a mid-sized community of worshiping. We offer professional sound-mixing and subtitled lyrics to enhance the experience of worshipers in your small groups.

Large Venue Worship
Lifetogether provides full-service production of 6-12 songs with a full band and a large community of worshipers. We offer professional sound-mixing and subtitled lyrics to enhance the experience of worshipers in your small groups.

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Sign up for a free copy of our latest catalog that walks you through our feature projects, recent ministry partners, latest innovations that your team can learn to apply at your church, training resources, access to some of our free samples, and descriptions of some of our latest programs and offerings.