Come out of Easter stronger than ever!

Come out of Easter stronger than ever!

I hope your church is gearing up for your best Easter ever–a  time of celebration, a time of renewed connection to God, and a time when more people than ever before are visiting your church.
IT’S NOT TOO LATE! We’re just a few days away, but it’s not too late to begin planning for how you can move out of Easter and connect more people than you ever thought possible.  The way you get the most out of Easter after it’s over depends on some of the choices you make now.  

Over the years we have produced a series of video and print curriculum packages for some of the largest and fastest-growing churches in the country, what we’ve learned that fall is the best time to launch a series, followed by the new year season but the spring is definitely right behind.

Producing your own in-house video teaching is by far the most effective way to connect the largest number of people, recruit the largest number of leaders and assimilate the largest number of infrequent attenders after Easter.
For most churches, the only other question is which type of series to produce. We always start with whatever you are currently planning on teaching. But beyond that, here are several series we have helped to produce for churches that have connected 75-100% of their congregation after Easter.
A relationship series or a marriage series is a great way to connect people leading up to the summer and can even pave the way for good things in the fall.
(with Kay Warren) Mother’s Day is a great time to launch new groups, especially targeting women, and Father’s Day could be a great opportunity to try something new with your men’s ministry.
Stewardship series can also be successful in a spring push. We’ve worked with a number of churches to create custom finance and stewardship series, and we’ve also developed a more “plug and play” four-week series with topics on time, talent, treasure, and trust.
(with pastor Clay Peck) Another one that’s become really popular is a four to six-part semi-custom series called “Doing Life Together” that we’ve designed to launch lots of new groups and get people involved for the first time.
Whether you want us to come alongside and handle all the production or you just want some coaching along the way, we’re here to help.
We also have a semi-custom option where we make all of our resources, tools, templates, and scripts available for you to work with, and of course you always have the option of coming to California for the video shoot, it’s a great spring getaway and a nice break after the winter and the busyness of Easter prep!
Any combination of these options is a great way to maximize your Easter and spring season, and we’d love to help out.  Contact us today!
Why the Town Hall Production is a Must-Have for Any Church

Why the Town Hall Production is a Must-Have for Any Church

Town Hall teaching is one of our exciting breakthroughs and most popular teaching formats. Above is a video medley of some of our exciting partnerships that have utilized the innovative Town Hall format.

Pastors thrive on the energy and engagement of their audience, so we’ve created a new breakthrough format that brings the people to the pastor during a live video shoot! This unique approach brings out the best from the teachers, engages people more, and models the type of interactions your small group members can have with each other during the study. Clearly, this is our most popular format because of the heartfelt sharing and the hilarious interaction with the pastor. Small groups just love it! 
Check out our website for the different ways we can do a Town Hall teaching, featuring video and print curriculum production.
Take a look at 3 of our feature Town Hall productions with some of the fastest and largest growing churches in America down below.

Fellowship Monrovia

Throughout “Disobediant God”, Albert Tate delivers a fresh perspective, not only on familiar Biblical stories, but also on life experiences that are common to everyone. This is a book for people that don’t realize they need it. It is a book for people who no longer have God as the focus of their life. So, how do we rid ourselves from them all and focus our desires on a relationship with God?

Rock Church

“All In” with the Rock Church and Miles McPherson included every component of what we do best, including a town hall video shoot, live worship production, microsite strategy, full-color customized print curriculum, video testimonies, video promos, coaching, and more. The curriculum is a 6-week study about discovering the ways the Lord wants to use each of us and all of us together to accomplish great things for Him. The beautiful aspect of a Town Hall production, though, is that the journey with your small groups will reach much further than 6 weeks, as your congregation continues to engage with the material years beyond the study.

Victory World Church

Take a look at a recent project, “One”, we produced for Pastor Dennis & Colleen Rouse at Victory World Church in Norcross, GA. 
This production embodies the very essence of what a conversation service is and what it means for people as they come into a setting where they can engage and share in open dialogues as a means for connection. As they gathered in the round to discuss the controversial topic: Racial Reconciliation, people began the healing process.    


Whether it’s coming out to do a personal assessment, coaching for a Fall major campaign, or starting your first video curriculum production, contact us today for a free consultation!

Contact us

75% of Growing Churches Will Teach a Sermon Series on 1 or More of These 4 Topics This Year

75% of Growing Churches Will Teach a Sermon Series on 1 or More of These 4 Topics This Year

If you’re like most of the churches in America, you probably have plans to preach a topical series over the next 12 to 24 months on one or more of these topics:

• Relationships

• Marriage

• Parenting

• Family

The topics of relationships, marriage, parenting and family are some of the best subjects to welcome people back to church, assimilate people into your body, build momentum coming into the Fall or New Year and connect the largest number of people into groups. The result is a greater impact and ability to reach your community for Christ.

While the need for a sermon series like these may be on your mind as a pastor, chances are you already have a handful of these under your belt (or in your filing cabinet) and you could really just use a few fresh ideas on how to approach these important topics. As you may know, we’ve produced dozens of these types of series for some leading ministries and many of the largest and fastest growing churches in America. Here are a few great examples.

Family Matters by Ken Forman at Cathedral of Faith

Doing Life Together by Clay Peck in Colorado

Make Room for Neighbors by Randy Frazee and Max Lucado

If you would like to explore some of the many existing campaigns that are now available to churches of any size, we have more than a dozen like those above that are currently available through our online store. You can order them “off the shelf” or we can produce a custom edition–personalized for your church–from nearly any series you like.

A Whole New Approach to Planning Your Next Sermon Series

Chances are, you may be looking for fresh ideas on an upcoming Parenting or Relationship Series or any number of dozens of other sermon series categories. You’re not alone. We’ve discovered after working with hundreds of churches and consulting with many more, that there is a need for a whole new planning process for pastors and staff who are looking for fresh ideas, new approaches, creative weekend programming, graphic designs, and biblically-sound outlines for their upcoming sermon series.

We’ve identified hundreds–soon to be thousands–of the best sermon series from our favorite pastors in some of the leading churches around the country. We’ve handpicked our favorite sermon series and message outlines on dozens of topics and have created a whole new resource platform. It’s a simple tool and unique 7 Step Process that has helped transform how we partner with churches.

We can’t wait to show it to you!

It is our hope that this new platform will not only help you find ideas for an amazing sermon series over the next 12 months, but that we might also help you develop a small group curriculum and alignment campaign that will ensure that you will connect your entire congregation into community this year.

So, if you and your team are interested in hearing more about how we can create a plan to help you develop a Fall or New Year series on relationships, marriage, or family — or any other topic, contact us right away and we will send you more information and a private conference call invitation.

We’re Here to Help!

Your church may have 500 members or 15,000.

You may be spoiled with a full video production team or may just have an usher in back holding an iPhone.

No matter where you’re at, or whatever your budget, we can help you make full use of your equipment and staff by partnering with us in our new consulting program. We can offer you and your team the greatest value for any budget.

Give us a call or connect with us here so we can help you plan your next sermon series or campaign.

10 Proven Strategies to Increase the Giving, Generosity, and Stewardship in your Church

10 Proven Strategies to Increase the Giving, Generosity, and Stewardship in your Church

The First Question is WHY

Here are a few major reasons we found:

  • With a major decline in weekend attendance, many churches feel the need to more fully engage their faithful attenders in financial stewardship, giving and tithing.
  • The impact of declining attendance leads churches to explore new innovations in giving: Where people give, why they give, what they give, and even how they give.
  • The need to “lead up to” and “finish strong” in a Capital Campaign is critical to accomplish the goals and budgetary commitments the people make to the church and the church makes to the ministries.
  • Many churches launch a growth plan to expand their campus or worship center, invest in upgraded technology and in some cases, commit to debt reduction.

Whether your church is growing or declining, the strategies outlined below will help your church strengthen its roots as you grow in fruitfulness and effectiveness for the kingdom.

The Next Question is HOW

Over the last 20 years, we’ve been asked more and more frequently to help churches develop sermon-based series and alignment campaigns that address finances, stewardship, capital campaigns, generosity and other topics that lead to increased giving to the local church.

The results have been remarkable, so we’ve compiled a partial list of 10 unique strategies and some sample sermon series that will help to launch Growth and Giving initiatives in your church. Some of these sermon series come from our newly-developed online library filled with hundreds of video sermons on a wide range of topics. Watch for our official launch of that site soon!

As you read through the strategies below, imagine a sermon series that you’ve already done in the past that could be repurposed–with our help–as a new campaign. Check out the numerous other series below that we are now developing for churches like yours. We’ve partnered with some of the leading teachers and emerging voices in the church today and we would love to help you find the perfect series that has been previously developed and has proven results.

10 Proven Strategies to Increase the Giving in Any Local Church

1. Capital Campaign Support Strategy

For many years, we at Lifetogether have been brought into the process of developing campaign alignment video teaching series that help connect the lion’s share of any congregation into small groups. The strategy we recommend has proven successful partly because it’s initiated a full 6 to 12 months before the campaign launches as well as during the capital campaign season itself. Most churches like to present the capital campaign as a “spiritual growth” campaign and a chance to introduce the new vision for the church. We work closely with the church to develop, produce and execute the campaign in a very creative and compelling way. The results show that we’ve been able to demonstrate at least a 10 to 20% increase in the overall campaign giving and sustain overall giving commitments well beyond the length of the capital campaign as well as the duration of any partnerships the church may have with any Capital campaign companies. A great example of this is the All In campaign we produced for Mile McPherson.

All In Case Study

2. Capital Campaign Follow-Up or Finishing Strong Strategy

More and more we are invited in not just before or during but after a capital campaign or stewardship initiative to help sustain or renew the giving committed during a 2 to 3 year capital campaign. Especially in a long term campaign, the giving can drop off a bit so the need to restart, reboot, or renew the vision becomes a critical factor in helping to achieve the goals and dreams that arose during the financial initiatives. In addition, instead of just building the short term “scaffolding” for the numerous meetings that are hosted during the campaign, churches are now wanting to launch small groups that can help to create a plumbing system that lives far beyond the campaign itself. A great example of this is the Generosity for Generations campaign we produced for David Jeremiah.

Generosity for Generations Color Curriculum

3. Preach a Mission, Vision and Values Series

This idea is a simple review of God’s vision and mission for the local church and it is integrated along with the vision for why your congregation exists as a church. Some of our most popular campaigns are comprised of a 4 to 7 part sermon series that communicates the core values and vision of a local church. The benefits of this type of campaign for your church go far beyond facilitating greater stewardship and increased giving. It’s also a great way to build momentum and mobilize people to serve, grow and get plugged into your church specifically. We created a page on our site with several examples. Please visit here. An excellent case study for a successful Mission, Vision and Values series is the I See A Church campaign we produced for Greg and Josh Surratt.

I See A Church Case Study

4. Evangelism and Missions Teaching Series

The Life On Mission series we produced for Parkview Christian Church with Pastor Tim Harlow is a perfect example of teaching a series on sharing your faith in a natural way. If you people background and vision for missions and how it is a foundation to the life of Christ and following Him, your congregation will be excited and hopefully stirred with passion towards outreach, missions, and impacting the world for Christ, and in turn they will give to the life, work, and ministry of the local church.

Life On Mission Case Study

5. Generosity Sermon Series

This is one of the most popular strategies that we have used to encourage pastors to raise the overall bar for living a generous life. There so many unique and creative ways that we have helped churches accomplish this. One of our favorite past projects was a series by Rick Long called Crazy Generosity which encompasses the idea that an individuals time, talent, and treasure is God’s anyways.

Crazy Generosity Color Curriculum

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6. Mobilize People to Serve

When I was on staff with Rick Warren at Saddleback Church, he always said that one of the best ways to get people to prepare to give during a stewardship initiative is to help them take a step in serving in the ministry. The Reveal study from Willow Creek reinforced this by documenting that someone engaged in serving gave nearly 30% more than someone who was only attending. That’s why we have done numerous sermon series and follow-up curriculum alignment strategies wrapped around the discovery, deployment, development, and the God-given design of any individual. We would be thrilled to share with you some of the dozens of sermon series that help mobilize your congregation to serve. In Generous God, Troy Murphy and a team from Green Bay Community Church study the many ways God has gifted us and how He’s called us to give back with our time, talent, treasure and trust.

Generous God Case Study

Visit a few samples from our Next Steps Series: Belong by Terry Brooks and Grow by Dave Minton

7. Pastor’s Life Message Strategy

There is something unique that happens when a Pastor writes his first book or preaches a Life Message series. My first experience of this was with pastor Rick Warren and his life message delivered in The Purpose Driven Life. Though this example is extreme–50 million copies sold! I was privileged to have a front row seat and play a fun role in what happened at Saddleback Church as a result of the excitement wrapped around my pastor’s book and sermon series.

I could give you dozens of case studies but here are two recent examples that illustrate life messages and books that were developed for a pastor’s local church.

Grace Happens Color Curriculum

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8. Fall or New Year Vision Sunday

This simple idea of hosting one or two Vision Sunday weekends is being done in most of the growing churches around the country. These weekends are filled with energy, enthusiasm and opportunities to share God’s heart, encourage the congregation and cast vision based not only on what has happened but on what will happen in their church.

If it’s about a shared passion to reach their community for Christ and the people feel like they are part of the vision, they will say yes and give to the vision.

We recommend using this weekend as a catalyst to launch a 4-week follow up sermon series that launches groups by either aligning with your messages or as a motivation to join a group to study the material on their own.

We have done this for dozens of churches with remarkable results.

9. “I Love This Church” Series

This strategy is often aligned with a capital campaign and involves a multi-week series filled with engaging stories and personal testimonies centered on the theme of Why people love their church. We’ve seen numerous innovative approaches to make an ASK at the end of the series.

I “Heart” My Church, or a variation of this theme have proven to be very successful. Another great example is the series we produced for Christ Tabernacle called No Place Like Home by Pastor Chris Durso.

10. Anniversary Weekend Sermon Series

Whether this is your 5th, 25th, 75th or even 100th anniversary at your church, this is a tremendous opportunity to call people to commitment and renew their vision for the church. We are helping churches with dozens of killer anniversary weekend services to help them plan their own multi-week or multi-month anniversary celebration.

Similar to Vision Sunday, you cannot just produce an amazing weekend service, preach a great sermon with a few live stories and then show a video photo gallery like you would at a wedding. However, you can create a beautiful yearbook-like curriculum with hundreds of photos to coincide with the launch of a 4 to 6 week sermon series and small group experience. People will gladly gather in groups and study together for this type of campaign. When your congregation celebrates the legacy of your church and sees the impact you have had on individuals and communities, they will step up and contribute to a great cause.

We did this for the General Superintendent of the Assemblies Of God denomination with Dr. George Wood’s series titled BELIEVE. It was a 4-point outline he delivered to 30,000 people. We then produced a 4-session companion curriculum to celebrate their 100 year anniversary of the denomination.

“Believe” Color Curriculum


The list above outlines practical ways that growing churches are leveraging sermon series to increase the weekly tithes and offerings in their church.

Now the Question is What’s Next?

Now It’s Your Turn

  1. All you need to do is select one or two of the ideas above and we can share with you more about how we can make it happen.
  2. Or, if you want to start with any one of the hundreds of finance, stewardship, generosity or even capital campaign series we have discovered over the years. Let’s connect right away.

The nice thing about our series is they are already proven to work in growing churches around the country. Not a bad place to start the discussion. In addition, for most of the series we can provide full manuscripts, outlines, video files, design templates and we have the unique ability to create a fully custom video teaching series for your small groups. Which is our most powerful and unique contribution to your church.

Final Thoughts

The truth is, if you want to double your giving you have to connect everyone in community–and keep them in community. And that’s what we do best.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Better Together,
Brett Eastman

Our Partnerships with 40 of Outreach Magazine’s Top 100 Largest & Fastest-Growing Churches

Our Partnerships with 40 of Outreach Magazine’s Top 100 Largest & Fastest-Growing Churches

Over the years at Lifetogether, we have either published video curriculum, consulted on the small group ministry and/or produced fully-custom alignment campaigns for over 500 growing churches. Below is a list of 40 of the churches we have worked with from Outreach Magazine’s largest and fastest-growing churches. Now, for the first time ever, we are coaching and producing programs for churches no matter what your stage or size.

Saddleback Church – Rick Warren
While serving on the staff at Saddleback Church, I helped produce multiple churchwide alignment campaigns and dozens of video-based curriculum series––including the Purpose Driven Life series and the the most famous spiritual growth campaign of them all, 40 Days of Purpose by Rick Warren.

When I got to Saddlleback, there were only 73 small groups, and we were able to grow to over 2,500 groups during the 40 Days of Purpose campaign.   Some of the breakthroughs and innovations during those early years set the foundation for what is now over 7000 off-campus small groups.  Over 40,000 churches have done one of the 40 day campaigns over the years. It was quite a season and the best is yet to come.

Below you’ll see The Daniel Plan curriculum and campaign that we helped put together at Lifetogether for Zondervan and Purpose DrivenThe Daniel Plan book was awarded Christian Book of the Year and the five volume video curriculum series featured teaching from Rick Warren, Mark Hyman and Daniel Amen–– and it was actually hosted by my wife, the Founding Director of The Daniel Plan.  You have to check out this series.

Willow Creek – Bill Hybels

After serving with the senior staff for half a dozen years I served on a team that went from 23 groups to over a thousand groups with over ten thousand people in groups. I was invited back several years ago to produce the first video campaign called Wiser Together. With our coaching and consulting they were able to connect over ten thousand into groups in the first wave and one year later over twenty-thousand people.

Oak Hills Church – Randy Frazee & Max Lucado

We produced one of the more unique video series with Randy Frazee, his wife Roxanne, Max Lucado, and his wife Dana called Make Room For Neighbors. This was one of the most beautiful productions, shot in multiple settings in their community. The curriculum includes testimonies and training features that have helped to launch thousands of people into groups and introduced a new model on how they could launch groups directly off the weekend series.

Church of the Highlands – Chris Hodges
We produced the curriculum companion for Chris Hodges’ book Fresh Air. We were able to coach and consult the small group team on how to recruit, develop, and lead a team. We equipped some high performance writers and talented designers to produce this series.

Christ Fellowship Church – Todd Mullins

Over ten years ago we produced the first video curriculum and church-wide campaign for Christ Fellowship with Tom Mullins, Todd’s father. This campaign helped launch 500 groups at the time and got close to 5,000 people into groups. Just this last week we confirmed a new partnership with Todd to help him and his team take their small group ministry to the next level and streamline their system strategies and staffing models to connect over 100% of their adults in groups.

Southeast Christian Church – Dave Stone

Over the last three years we have produced Dave Stone on several video curriculum projects including the Life on Mission project that was produced with over a hundred of the largest and fastest growing Christian Churches in the country. This series was published by Purpose Driven Ministries and introduced to hundreds of churches.

Woodlands Church – Kerry Shook
We consulted with Kerry Shook over a two year period helping them connect over 7,500 people in groups. We helped produce numerous video curriculum and church wide campaigns including One Month to Live curriculum series that was used in over 8,000 churches.

Mariners Church – Kenton Beshore 

We produced the very first video curriculum and church-wide online campaign for Mariners church that connected over 5,000 people years ago. We produced Kenton Beshore right out of his office that aligned with a video companion curriculum. This aligned with a major church wide capital campaign that raised over 19,000,000 in the months following this small group campaign. We also introduced a breakthrough leadership training strategy that trained more than a 1,000 small group leaders.

Bayside Church – Ray Johnston 
We recently launched a one year partnership with Bayside that included four major video curriculum that all align with the weekend sermon series. The first campaign just recently launched and has already has close to 2,000 groups and close to 20,000 people into these groups. The small group campaign leveraged all of our latest and greatest strategies recruiting leaders, training leaders, and mobilizing ordinary people in the congregation to take a video series and gather some of their friends. The results on this one speak for themselves.

New Life Church – Rick Bezet 
I traveled to New Life and produced Rick in a video series that was produced for the ARC Church planting network. This video series was called Life Giving Relationships in which we produced over 100 of the top 100 Churches in their network. There were over 1,000 people who attended, including their entire leadership team.

The Rock Church – Miles McPherson 
We partnered with The Rock Church over a year to help launch and lead a new movement in their church to connect their entire congregation into community. In their first major campaign we helped move them from having 350 groups to just about 800 groups. The format was over the top and one of our most creative campaigns where we introduced a decentralized worship experience and an 8.5 X 11 full color congregational style curriculum. This initiative was integrated with a major capital campaign where they secured $73M in the “One Fund” strategy.


Watermark Community Church – Todd Wagner
We met with Todd and his small group team and introduced them to a new way of developing video based curriculum that align with their weekend teaching series and helped to influence the development of what was several different series that aligned with the weekend teaching and catalyze people into community.

Celebration Church – Stovall Weems
We produced a video curriculum series for Stovall and Kerri Weems based of Kerri’s book Rhythms of Grace. This series was shot in Weems’ home, wrapped around an audience of 40 people in their own living room. The companion series included a spectacular print curriculum and video DVD and when rolled out to the church there were amazing results. It served as the catalyst for us to partner with Christine Caine and develop five different propel curriculums. We are in conversation now to develop the next initiative to take their small group ministry to the next level.


Southland Christian Church – Jon Weece
Years before John took over as senior pastor at Southland Christian Church we consulted with Mike Rowe and the existing staff team to take their small group ministry to the next level.

North Coast Church – Larry Osborne
Larry has always been an inspiration on how we have done our small group ministry, from the early days of working at Willow Creek. Recently I gathered with Larry and his entire leadership team to talk about the breakthrough model we’re doing with decentralizing the worship experience by producing the worship team of a local church. With his encouragement we are now producing worship with many of our church partners. Churches are now included 10-20 songs that will be introduced in small group curriculum, microsite services, online services and as he said one of the best applications is church planting. I have produced for Larry many times over the years from church leadership training and other tools for church leaders.

Potential Church – Troy Gramling
Produced a stewardship curriculum called Reveal with Troy. Teaching one of the sessions years ago with the capital campaign company RSI was based off the theme of time, talent, and treasure, and served as a Continuity program for capital campaign and stewardship programs.

United Methodist Church of the Resurrection – Adam Hamilton 
We consulted with Adam Hamilton and his church for a year helping to introduce a new model of how to decentralize small groups. How to launch small groups into the community to reach their community for Christ. Adam went on to produce over a dozen based video curriculum that aligned with multiple books he had written and that aligned with his weekend services. Adam continues to be one of the greatest proponents of bringing alignment to what happens on the weekend with what happens in a small group setting throughout the week

The Summit Church – J.D. Greer 
We consulted and coached J.D. and their executive team to produce their first video curriculum that aligned with a weekend teaching series and stewardship campaign where they raised a significant base of funds to fulfill their mission vision church planting and campus expansion. This was in the early days of lining a major church like campaign with a curriculum. Now it is the norm for us to partner with many churches and their capital campaigns.

Central Christian Church of Arizona – Cal Jernigan
We partnered with Cal to develop a series based off a life message that he had on the Kingdom. In a cabin setting in the mountains we shot what was 30 different testimonies and teachings. This helped launch hundreds of small groups in his congregation and community. Studying a life message helped connect thousands of people in the congregation into community.

First Assembly of God – Dan Betzer 
Years ago we consulted with Dan Betzer and the entire team at First Assembly on how to connect your entire congregation into community by leveraging the model of off campus small groups with the weekend services. During this time we were not using the video curriculum that has proven to exponentially launch more and better groups on and off campus.

Cathedral of Faith – Ken Foreman 
We’ve partnered with Ken and Curt Foreman and the entire Cathedral of Faith family to produce a major church wide campaign and video series called Family Matters. This series was produced in a town hall format and included the production of their worship team in one of the most spectacular productions we have ever done. Results launched 5,000 people into groups with 500 new groups

Shepherd of the Hills Church – Dudley Rutherford
We produced one of the most creative series we have done yet with Dudley. Being an avid cyclist, Dudley based the series Walls Fall Down off the his published book. We filmed this while Dudley rode his bicycle up and down the hills of Los Angeles. This series launched thousands into groups during a major campaign season.

Life Church TV – Craig Groeschel 

I helped Craig produce material that was used for a project with Saddleback Church that integrated leader training with a teaching series. We were able to coach through how to use this material to launch and train leaders on the vision and values of worship in a church.

World Outreach – Allen Jackson 
We have partnered now for three years in a consulting relationship with Allen Jackson. We have had the privilege of producing 8 different unique video series that has gotten north of 10,000 in 1,100 small groups. This is one of the best models that we have that has sustained growth over multiple series rather than just one. The most recently produced project is also the most creative piece of work called Let’s Pray. Just this fall he is launching an additional 2,000 to his already extremely effective small group strategy.

Northview Church – Steve Poe
We have produced several different series with Steve and the team at Northview. Each project has been a little different in how they are produced. Both were in done in a home setting. The latest was done in a very interactive town hall like environment around the topic of family, marriage, and relationship. This series helped to launch almost six thousand people into groups and continues to grow.

The Crossing – Jerry Harris 

Jerry Harris is one of the contributing teachers on the video series that we did in conjunction with the North American Christian Churches and Tim Harlow called Life On Mission.

Savannah Christian Church – Cam Huxford
Cam was one of the contributing teachers on the series that we did with the North American Christian churches where he provided featured Leadership training for pastors called Life On Mission that helped focus their life and mission. Helping to refocus on living selflessly, Life On Mission, was released by Purpose Driven Ministries and introduced to hundreds of churches.

River Valley Church – Rob Ketterling
We produced Rob and his wife Bekkah along with his entire family in a series done with the Assemblies of God denomination. Over a two year partnership we were able to produce a 40 volume series along with leadership training. This series was called believe based on Dr. Woods keynote address. Rob played a primary role in the series Life Giving Relationships in which we produced.

Shadow Mountain – Dr. David Jeremiah
We were able to produce a three volume series with Dr. David Jeremiah. We produced an adult, Spanish, and youth edition of the series. This series helped to raise the weekly tithing by almost a hundred thousand a week. And helped to finish what was a half a million dollar capital campaign for a new educational building.

Scottsdale Bible Church – Jamie Rasmussen
When Pastor Darryl Deuse (SP) was still the senior pastor we produced a series with him and Jamie Rasmussen that helped to launch thousands of people into small groups at Scottsdale. It was in the early days of curriculum but we are in conversations with Jamie now about all of the latest innovations and findings. We hope to continue to build on what was started years ago.

Healing Place Church – Mike Haman
Produced several different series with Mike and his team. The initial development of the “GROW” strategy was developed at the healing place. This “grab a friend and go” strategy over a six month period has exponential growth.

Cornerstone Church – Sergio De La Mora
Coached and consulted with Sergio and his team on small group strategies for some time informally. We have had Sergio participate on multiple curriculum series over the year and conversation about helping to produce a series on the revolutionary heart as we speak.

Faith Promise Church – Chris Stevens 
We consulted with Chris over a years time and helped to produce multiple curriculum with him and his wife on a married series and a vision and value series. These efforts help connect about 5,000 people into groups. As a result of our coaching Chris has gone and produces multiple series. They have one of the healthiest small group ministries in the country.

Faith Assembly of God – Carl Stevens
Years ago we consulted with Carl and his team to develop a health small group ministry. As an Assembly Of God church, where small groups are not as common, we were able to make incredible progress together.

East Lake Church – Mike Meeks
We consulted with Mike Meeks for a season and helped him take his small group ministry to the next level. We coached Mike through producing multiple projects. This is one of the most vibrant churches in the world.

Cherry Hill – Shane Farmer
Working with Shane at Willow Creek on the largest small group launch Willow creek has ever done in history called Wiser Together. We developed small group strategy that has influenced Shane and the small group ministry at Cherry Hill.

Traders Point Christian Church – Aaron Brockett
Aaron was one of the contributing participants in the series Life On Mission and provided the young emerging voices in a tribe of more established churches around the country. Aarons teaching style is authentic and edgy at the same time. Offered leadership training to many pastors

Real Life Church – Rusty George 
Produced a town hall video production in a living room setting with Rusty that helped connect over 3,000 people in this congregation. The team engaged in the opportunity to decentralize worship. We were able to help author and design curriculum that acted as a companion and complement to the series.

Crossroads Christian church – Chuck Booher 
Participated in the production Life On Mission that has been introduced to hundreds of churches. Chuck provided both teaching content and leadership training.

Eastview Christian Church – Mike Baker
Produced a series with Eastview in the streets in Chicago. Walking through the community Mike did the best job teaching in order to produce a series that was launching in hundreds of churches around the country. We were able to help write and produce with Mike and the teaching team. This was used as an alignment campaign connecting over 4,000 people.

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Case Study with Greg Surratt at Seacoast Church – “I See a Church”

Case Study with Greg Surratt at Seacoast Church – “I See a Church”

We partnered with Seacoast for a year and helped them produce four complete full-color curriculum and video-based series that aligned with the weekend services. For two we did complete production and for the other two we coached them on how to do it themselves in a “train the trainer” relationship. The latest series, called I See a Church , connected over 10,000 people into groups and aligned their congregation around a renewed vision for ministry.