The 4 Main Strategies Guaranteed to Connect Your Entire Congregation

The 4 Main Strategies Guaranteed to Connect Your Entire Congregation

Over the last twenty years, we’ve had the privilege of working with hundreds of the largest and fastest-growing churches in the country, including 50 of the top 100 mega-churches in America. 
Through my time serving on the senior staff at Willow Creek and Saddleback Church, I’ve been able to partner with churches in launching thousands of groups on and off campus. It’s connected me to work with 7 of the 10 largest churches in the country and over 50 of the top 100 mega-churches in the country. 
Watch this short video of Brett’s 4 insights into emerging models that are aligned with weekend services, with the vision of the church’s pastor, and with the mission of the congregation. 


This year as we reviewed that list, we also reviewed some of the things we’ve worked with these churches to create and some of the insights we’ve gained along the way. These 4 discoveries have introduced an exponential approach for not only connecting entire congregations into community but also equipping them to reach their communities and beyond for Christ.
Take a look at our updated Ministry Offerings to see and vision how we can partner with you and your ministry today! 

Producing Weekend Alignment Video Curriculum
We are partnering with churches to create sermon-based video curriculum that aligns with their weekend service. In addition, we’ve produced Senior Pastors on camera for a variety of projects for para-churches,  Christian publishers, or ministry networks.
Watch this short webinar to see how to produce weekend video curriculum 52 weeks a year! 

Small Group Consulting of Exponential Strategies
We’ve consulted with some of the largest congregations to help develop and execute strategies in order to connect 100% of the adult congregation into groups and 10% of the adult congregation to lead groups, in order to reach community, through community. 
Check out our Small Group Coaching program that is a group edition of our one-on-one on-site consulting program.

Leveraging the Senior Pastor’s Life, Leadership, and Legacy
We’ve come alongside Senior Pastors from churches of all different sizes and stages in order to leverage the life, leadership, and legacy. We’ve developed breakthrough and far-reaching curriculum by partnering with Senior Pastors. After all, this generation of church wants to hear first and foremost from their Senior Pastor.
Discover how to utilize our breakthrough Town Hall Production to leverage the life and legacy of your Senior Pastor. 

Connecting Your Community to Reach Community for Christ
Our vision is to present the Gospel in a simple and transferable way. We leverage technology and media as exponential strategies for outreach and evangelism. These strategies have proven to increase weekly tithes and offerings, grow weekend service attendance, and take people deeper into the Gospel.
Join the conversation on the groundbreaking “Conversation Service” and take a look at our previous newsletter that details this next generation of connecting your church community!



Whether it’s coming out to do a personal assessment, coaching for a Fall major campaign, or starting your first video curriculum production, contact us today for a free consultation!

Contact us

On the Road: Christ Chapel and Chase Oaks

On the Road: Christ Chapel and Chase Oaks

On the Road is our recurring series where we follow Brett Eastman, founder of Lifetogether, “on the road” as he travels across the country and gives us an exclusive look into who we’re meeting, what we’re doing, and how we’re living life together.

We’ve always thought of Lifetogether as a learning community discovering the new and next, exploring the breakthroughs and innovative ideas around the country. We’ve found that in each of the larger tribes or denominations or ministry networks there are some key learnings that help to shape and accomplish our mission even better – our mission to catalyze spiritual conversations that lead to a change in the community.
The primary vehicle for accomplishing this mission of catalyzing spiritual conversations has always been a small group setting, but we are discovering additional opportunities as we work with some of these large churches. Over the past week, we’ve spent time out in Texas at a couple of amazing churches – Jeff Jone’s Chase Oaks and Ted Kitchen’s Christ Chapel Bible Church. 
Here are more details on each of these churches and a little behind the scenes on the discoveries and insights we gained with each church. 

Chase Oaks Church

Watch the video below of Brett Eastman taking us behind the scenes of our latest partnership with Chase Oaks Church out in Texas. We spent the past week filming a Town Hall production, our breakthrough interactive conversational format, with a stellar team!



Christ Chapel Bible Church

We also spent some time with Christ Chapel working on an amazing production for their Fall series and campaign. Scroll through the gallery below for a behind the scenes look, featuring a stunning set, engaging worship band, and dedicated staff.


Whether it’s coming out to do a personal assessment, coaching for a Fall major campaign, or starting your first video curriculum production, contact us today for a free consultation!

Contact us

How to Produce Fully Published Video Curriculum 52 Weeks a Year

How to Produce Fully Published Video Curriculum 52 Weeks a Year

Finally, a turn-key strategy to produce professionally published video curriculum based off the weekend sermon series that launches groups 52 weeks a year!

For the last two decades, we have published over 500 professionally published video-curriculum series for every major Christian publisher, para-church ministry and hundreds of the largest and fastest growing churches in America. We have learned the science and art of writing award-winning curriculum series with fully integrated color and high quality video production. We’ve produced curriculum in over a dozen unique formats in some of the most creative settings, and have designed for almost every type of Bible study or weekend service campaign. The beauty of this model is that over the course of a single year, you could publish up to five different video curriculum productions based off of any small group curriculum or sermon series, that could even be sold even beyond your partnership with Lifetogether.

Here’s a brief, four-step process that we have developed that will help you produce curriculum on your own or at least take your first steps in producing video curriculum.


The first strategy is conversation starters. Our recommendation is that your pastor produces a single, video segment that is between 7 and 12 minutes long, serving as a great small group addition of their weekend sermon. Simply, write your weekend discussion questions based on this content and create a simple design template. You could shoot this in the back of the room with the worship center stage behind him, you could have him sit on a barstool on the stage, or shoot it outside near a grassy area in an outdoor setting.


The second is conversation interviews.  Have your pastor sit down for a short interview with a senior staff member using a simple one or two camera production. They’ll simply reflect on some of the big ideas and critical application points, based off a past or future sermon. Again, any edited version of this interview can be used to catalyze small groups and create a small group discussion. The short video clip can be a backbone to a simple weekly small group study guide, developed as a companion to the video interview. This will only take a Senior Pastor a total of 15 to 20 minutes, done anytime on the weekend or in the week.


The third is conversation group. If your pastor is willing to join you in a small group of people on a Thursday or Friday preceding the weekend service, you could create a “model” or “small group experience” hosted by none other than your senior pastor. This can be produced using Facebook Live, where people could watch it anytime and anywhere, and subsequently launch groups after the Sr. Pastor preaches the weekend service. This format is what we call the “Town Hall” and can be shot with any type of camera, GoPro, etc. or could be something far more professionally published.


The fourth is a conversation service. This is an emerging, breakthrough idea that is not only launching groups 52 weeks a year, but will quickly become the next generation of weekend services. Moving from a traditional service to a contemporary service, now it’s time to have a conversation service.

This format is a little more complex in its production, but can be one of most powerful new ways to reach younger people and engage with people who are not as interested in the current form of weekend services. It is designed to be a more engaging, interactive church service, that launches groups not just locally, but regionally nationally, and globally. Contact us for more details about how to launch your very first conversation service!

For a brief description about the conversation service, watch the video below:

Hopefully this gives you some clean takeaways on how you can begin the process of producing your own in-house video curriculum and even church-wide campaigns.

No longer do you need to wait for an upcoming fall campaign, Fall or New Year campaign, or even the launch of a new semester. You can now produce video curriculum on a weekly basis and catalyze groups 52 weeks a year.  This is a breakthrough, and for some of you this could be your first step, but for others, you may be interested in one of the Five Unique Offerings from Lifetogether:

Fall Curriculum & Campaign Package, The Lifetogether Publishing Partnership, Curriculum Subscription Program, Small Group Publishing Program, & The Lifetogether Curriculum and Production Coaching Program.

Descriptions of each are available in our previous blog post, so check it out!


Hopefully this gives you a little taste of some of the insights and offerings that Lifetogether is delivering to churches, seeking to not only connect their congregation into community but reach their community through community. For churches that are wanting to disciple and reach the people who are no longer attending weekend services, this allows us to be able to move & bring church to where the people are, as well as use the weekend services as a catalyst not a container for next step spiritual growth.

We’d love to talk with you about producing a fully published video curriculum, so contact us today!

A Fall Campaign Idea Guaranteed To Transform Your Church

A Fall Campaign Idea Guaranteed To Transform Your Church

Spring, Summer, Fall…is right around the corner!

I realize it’s almost insensitive to bring up the topic of the Fall, especially when Easter is right in front of us, but this idea needs to be shared now in order to prepare for the upcoming season!

What we know at this stage in the game is that most pastors have either a napkin filled with notes about their plans, or in some cases, it’s a part of a three-year master plan that they have already outlined last year.

No matter what side of the scale you are on, this simple idea has the opportunity and upside of transforming, not only your Fall season, but how you will do church in the future. I can guarantee you this, especially after doing this strategy over and over again in some of the largest and fastest growing churches in America. Now, we are rolling this campaign out for churches of all stages and sizes, no matter what your theological persuasion, denominational affiliation, geographic region or ethnic tradition.

The “Pastor Factor”

After producing the “Purpose Driven Life” video series for Rick Warren, we discovered that aligning with his weekend teaching series was a really big idea. As a result, over 30,000 churches have posted a 40-day campaign in their church of one kind or another. The results from these campaigns were exponential and helped to launch a whole new way of doing church.

In the excitement of of this season, we thought that the results were because of the “Rick factor”. However, over the years we have discovered that the greater principle is more the “Pastor Factor” – every congregation would rather hear from their senior pastor than any other best-selling author, third-party publisher, etc.

The Big Idea

That said, we are recommending that you consider producing a church-wide alignment campaign with a video teaching series, coupled with a full-color companion study guide featuring your senior pastor. This type of campaign is sure to connect your entire congregation this Fall.

Best of all, our expertise allows us to work with whatever sermon series that you want to produce. We can help you develop the scripts and the strategies that will turn your visions into a reality.

Not only is this a great potential first step for those churches that have never considered hosting their own campaign, but it’s also a great strategy to take the quality of your existing campaigns to the next level. It’s no surprise that congregations want more video production and professional quality print curriculum that showcase better design, photography, and quality of writing. With our coaching, you’ll be able to reach your congregation and community farther and further than ever before, guaranteed.

We will utilize all the latest and greatest strategies that we are using to connect more of your congregation, mobilize more leaders, multiply disciples who in turn make disciples, and model for you how to produce your own in-house video curriculum and church-wide campaigns for years to come.

There are a lot more nuts and bolts on how this happens between our ministry and yours, but here are a few features to keep in mind. We will partner with your team to either coach or do full-service production for a video curriculum series, including on-location visits, integration of numerous new formats, and new video features and technology, to produce your state of the art series. Our town hall style production, that has become a primary format for churches around the country, is a great example.

Here’s a link to our YouTube page that has a number of samples of some of our recent trailers and projects.

In addition, we recommend producing a full color, professionally published print curriculum that becomes a signature project for your congregation. Everyone will want to participate, simply because it’s something they have never seen before along with being something that they can keep and reference for years to come.


Next Steps

As you could imagine, the cost can range from one extreme to the other, based on the size, scope and nature of the project. That’s why, we have developed a series of packages and programs that will suit whatever size budget and timeline you may be considering.

The first step is to contact our Lifetogether team to set up a FREE consultation where we can better assess your needs and make a more unique, customized recommendation on your next steps. We recommend you join the conversation, and we can share more on our proven processes to not only produce a Fall campaign that aligns with your sermon series, but will also help you plan, produce and promote the entire series that will ensure 100% participation of your average adult attendance.

Sign up below for a free consultation next Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 10:00 AM or 2:00 PM!

In addition, we can send you a care package, including full-color catalog, of our best examples from when we’ve worked with churches and organizations all across the country. These packages include a few sample series, such as books and DVD’s, to give you a better idea of the how and the what behind Lifetogether consulting and productions. Follow this link to check it out!

Second, we are including new group coaching programs to our coaching package, where if the production route isn’t financially suitable, then we will partner with you and your team to provide coaching strategies and consulting about production and ministry development instead. Follow the link below to see our new and exciting coaching package, including microsite and conversation service development.

Finally, we are offering the new Fall campaign, curriculum and consulting package, a special offer for a limited time. This is all-in-one, plug-and-play, package will help you be ready, in only six months, to launch your desired campaign! It is one of the most complete and effective programs we’ve ever introduced to churches across the country.

Happy Easter!

We hope this simulates your thinking, even for a moment, before the Easter crunch happens! As we mentioned above schedule an appointment or contact us using the button below for these limited fall campaign openings!

7 Steps to Produce Your Own Video and In-house Church-wide Campaign

7 Steps to Produce Your Own Video and In-house Church-wide Campaign

Not only do church members love studying with resources created by their own church and leadership team, but creating your own studies can reinforce your theological framework, your vision and values, and your culture.
That’s why we work with churches around the country to help them produce their own in-house campaigns that include teaching, testimonies, and training by the church’s staff and leadership team!

After I served on the senior staff at Willow Creek, championing small groups for about 6 years, I  moved to Saddleback Church where I was responsible for small group leadership development and church-wide assimilation. During that time, I realized the need, like most churches do, to try to recruit and train new small group leaders. One of the greatest discoveries we made, which is now legendary at both Saddleback and in churches all around the country that have launched a 40 day campaign, is that if we produced a video curriculum based off Rick Warren’s teaching, we would be able to recruit new leaders that would grab the DVD, gather a few friends, and start growing together. The strategy was wildly successful and allowed us, in the first year, to recruit hundreds of new leaders and connect thousands of people into off-campus groups.

Over the years, this simple strategy has been used over and over again t o produce over fifteen 40-day like campaigns based off video curriculum with a teaching from Rick Warren, and has moved from 73 groups (back when I started at Saddleback) to over 7,000 small groups and over 60,000 people in off-campus groups.

I always thought that the success with the strategy was more about the “Rick factor,”  given thef act that he wrote The Purpose Driven Lifeand was an unbelievable communicator with a tremendous amount of influence. But after working with hundreds of churches, I’ve come to realize that it was more of the “pastor factor” and that every congregation wants to hear their own pastor second only to Jesus Himself. Jesus said the sheep want to hear the shepherd’s voice–and not just Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Max Lucado, or any other well-known pastor–but their pastor.

Now for the last 20 years we have produced over 500 video-based small group curriculum for local church pastors, all the major Christian publishers, and leading Christian ministries around the country. Our primary focus now is to help a local church produce their first, or maybe more advanced quality, production with the teaching from their senior pastor, testimonies from their members, leadership training by their staff, and a full color 100+ page magazine style curriculum with hundreds of photos from their congregation.

The following 7-step strategy is what we have learned to help a congregation make this happen:
  • SELECT: We’ll help you select a sermon series from previous years, or a new one you’re getting ready to kick off, that could be a good candidate for a church-wide curriculum. You can also choose from any of our pre-written semi-custom series.
  • SCRIPT: We’ll write a small group edition of each of the weekend sermons for video production or provide you pre-scripted outlines for our existing semi-custom series. We can also work with you to create video testimonies, devotionals, and other video features.
  • PRODUCE: We’ll work with you to select a great location  for the video shoot. We can come with our crew and gear and direct and produce your entire shoot or we can do a collaboration of our team and your team and produce a curriculum in a training format so that you can learn to do your own.
  • WRITE: We’ll write a small group curriculum based on the teaching of the senior pastor with additional resources including leadership training, group worksheets, and helpful tips.
  • DESIGN: We create a  full-color, magazine-style design for the print study guide with hundreds of photos from your church in a layout that matches your church and series theme.
  • DUPLICATE: We’ll do all the post-production editing and provide you with duplication-ready masters and print-ready files, or broker the duplication and printing of the curriculum for you.
  • LAUNCH: We’ll help you launch your campaign and coach you through the process, including ideas on promotional clips, recruiting leaders for new groups, building community, and developing existing groups.

I’d love to talk with you about how we might partner together to do your next video series. It could revolutionize your connection strategy and transform your church. Give us a call today!

12 different church-wide campaigns that every church should consider

12 different church-wide campaigns that every church should consider

After having the privilege of serving on staff at Saddleback with Rick Warren and helping to produce the Purpose Driven Life video curriculum, we developed the “40 Days of Purpose” church-wide campaign strategy – and the world as we knew it changed.

Today, churches want video solutions that can align with weekend sermon series and church-wide initiatives, they want high-quality print resources with study material and discussion questions, and they want all of it to fit the DNA and unique mission of their church in their community. So Lifetogether focuses on helping pastors and churches develop their own video-based curriculum. Here are a dozen strategies and campaign examples you could use at your church!



Every church has a spoken or unspoken mission, vision, and values. Sometimes these may be on the website or mentioned occasionally around the church, but most churches can grow in communicating these ideas more effectively. One of the most effective things Rick Warren used to do at Saddleback was deliver a mission, vision, and values series during the weekend services, and combining that with a conversational small group component allows it to really sink in to people’s heads and hearts.

Other pastors have also done this really effectively, like Greg and Josh Surratt at Seacoast Church. We were able to connect 10,000 people in groups there because the leadership team saw the value of producing a video curriculum that preceded the delivery of their major new initiatives. We captured testimonies from more than 30 staff members and 20 key volunteers along with teaching from both Greg and Josh and several other teaching team members. Some of their spouses participated in the teaching as well.

Another one was Harvest Church in Warner Robbins, Georgia with pastors Jim and Jennifer Cowart. The series was called “Living the Five” and the curriculum included hundreds of unique congregational photos from every major ministry representing the church’s five core values. The next one we did was for Heartland Church in Rockford, Illinois with Josh Peigh, Gene Appel, and Mike Breaux titled, “Why Am I Here?” This series also reviewed core values and was aligned with the weekend sermon series. It included testimonies from the congregation in a town hall production along with beautiful, full-color curriculum in a magazine style format featuring photos from their congregation.



These are perennial favorite topics for weekend sermon series and also great for a small group campaign. These series create opportunities to include the spouse in the teaching, and the topics are applicable to a very broad audience and serve as a great way to involve new people and launch new groups. We have done several different series on themes of marriage, children, and family including one called “Family Matters” with Steve Poe and another one – coincidentally also called Family Matters – with Ken Foreman at Cathedral of Faith. Both churches are multi-site churches and it created an opportunity to get all of their campuses on the same page for the mid-week experience. We also were able to produce both of these series in a town hall setting where there were 50 or so church members listening to the senior pastor pastor teach in a very interactive conversational format.



Most churches don’t realize the opportunity to create a stewardship emphasis unless they’re involved in some kind of capital campaign. While a capital campaign can be a great time to do a church-wide small group project (more on this in a minute!), a more general stewardship series is a great way to increase the tithes and offerings of a church. We’ve done this with a variety of series that are wrapped around topics like time, talent, and treasure; the generosity principle; or “it all goes back in the box.” One of my favorites was “Crazy Generosity” by Dale Oquist from Peoples Church in Fresno. These series are a great way to start the new year and this one kicked off their year with a curriculum that got everybody more sensitive to the financial needs of the church.



Speaking of New Year’s, another great series to kick off the year is the Daniel Plan that we produced for Rick Warren. (My wife, Dee, is the director of the Daniel Plan.)  Emphasizing the values of spiritual, physical, and emotional health is a great topic after the holidays. Another good option for the start of the year is a prayer series like the one that we did called “Grounded” for Jim and Jennifer Cowart. This kind of a series is a good topic that can be introduced to any congregation and it’s easy and effective to put your own spin on it with a focus on spiritual habits or spiritual disciplines.



Small group connection series are always home runs. We produced a series called “Doing Life Together” for Clay Peck and the team out at Grace Church in Colorado. That began initially as a campaign to connect people with an alignment series and then became a timeless resource so people could launch groups 52 weeks a year. Another great idea is a small group leader training initiative. This is an excellent opportunity to get everybody on the same page including your volunteer leadership. One of the most affective campaigns that we did was a volunteer campaign where we captured leadership training footage with all the teaching pastors from Bayside church and a roomful of all their senior staff and key volunteers. One day we laid down 15 unique sessions they are delivering as online training for all of their new and existing volunteers. It’s one of the most comprehensive series we’ve done for a church and they are using it to get everybody on the same page and be trained with the same content in a uniform fashion.



Forty Days of Purpose served as the benchmark for all church-wide campaigns, and since that time we’ve produced hundreds of sermon alignment campaigns with curriculum for local churches. A great example of one we recently did was for Tommy and Luke Barnett and the team at Phoenix First in Phoenix, Arizona. The series we did matched the lifetime vision of Tommy, Luke, and Matthew Barnett; it was called “The Dream Centered Life.” That had the most spectacular full-color curriculum spread that was very creative and unique in its artwork and design. In addition, we were able to work with Luke to help him get a publishing contract based off the book title, which is a very common thing.

In fact, you can do one of these annual campaigns based off a book a pastor has already written, or you can even do it based on one he wants to write. We also work with pastors to help them ghostwrite a book based on a sermon series, life verse or key message that they’ve always wanted to go deeper with. These are great candidates for your first major church-wide campaign.



Most churches understand the value of trying to have people share their faith on a regular basis, but they’ll typically do a sermon series about this that doesn’t get their people talking or practicing how to do this in practical ways. The result of a series like this aligned with a weekend sermon series can be very successful. One of our favorite recent examples is Bayside Church up in Sacramento, California; they did a series called “VIP,” which stands for very important parties. It was just a brief four-week series for the entire church that focused on how to share faith in a natural way.  Another favorite is called “Life on Mission” published by Tim Harlow and his team at Parkview Church in Illinois. This series engaged over 100 pastors of large churches that helped provide “cameos” on the video teaching and contributed to the series. The important thing with this is the possibility of engaging more than just the senior pastor and incorporating other members on the team and even members and new attenders. Including their testimonies or insights on the videos can be a great way to reinforce the idea of discipleship, sharing your faith, and reaching beyond your campus.



Most churches have a heart and a passion for discipleship but are not always able to take it from the theory or the theology to a practical reality. Producing a single discipleship series that aligns with a weekend sermon can be one of the most powerful things you can do to take your people deeper in their walk with God and help them grow spiritually. You have to take the equipping or the inspiration from the weekend and take it to conversation to get the greatest transformation out of the lives of the people in your church. Several examples of this include Jeff Greenway at Reynoldsburg United Methodist church who did a series called “Habits” that was one of the best ones we’ve done both in terms of the content and in terms of the design and layout of the series. It was a beautiful project. The other one was a strategy that is becoming more popular and is not a single volume but a multiple volume series. One of them was titled “The One Year of Transformation,” and this one was produced by Atonement Lutheran church with Don Wink in South Barrington, Illinois. They produced a three-volume discipleship series that aligned with three major sermon series over the course of the year. The results were powerful and for the Lutheran church were revolutionary in both connection and discipleship.

Another example is Charlie Holt at Saint Stevens church in Florida that developed a three-volume series called “The Resurrection Life,” followed by “A Spirit Filled Life” and finishing with “The Crucified Life.” These three volumes made up a one-year journey through the life of Christ. It was a very powerful series and one that is now being offered to many other churches. The concept of developing a multi-volume discipleship series is a very popular thing. The other one we did was called “The White Board Bible” with four volumes produced by Alan Jackson out of Murphysboro, Illinois. This series sought to introduce people to reading the Bible daily and going through the Bible annually as an entire congregation. Once again,  this was a great way to develop a spiritual formation process in the church while having the curriculum as a timeless tool forever.



Many churches offer this type of weekend sermon series but developing companion video curriculum gets the “one-two punch” of leveraging the weekend experience with a mid-week experience. My favorite series on this one is “Elephant Issues,” produced for Peoples Church with Dale Oquist in Fresno, California. Dale tackled some of the most challenging topics in our faith today with great teaching and we produced a very dramatic and beautiful full-color print study guide as well as a number of video testimonies.



As mentioned previously, many times the senior pastors we work with have either written a book or hope to write a book someday. Doing curriculum and campaigns around a trade book the senior pastor has or wants to write is a very strategic thing both for the pastor and the church. It typically represents a topic the senior pastor has a great passion for, and these tend to be good factors when discerning which curriculum and campaign you’re going to develop. A favorite example of this for me was Chris Hodges from Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, Alabama where we produced a curriculum for his very first book titled, “Fresh Air,” published by Tyndale House. We repurposed testimonies and created a compilation of story and teaching from Chris.



Most pastors don’t know that producing a church-wide campaign and video series is a great way to fill the house on Easter. One of the best examples of this was “40 Days of Easter” produced by First Methodist Mansfield in Texas with David Alexander. This series provided a traditional 40-day march leading straight up to Easter Sunday. Then we developed a sequel or a follow-up series that helped to sustain the new groups that were launched. We also did a series with Gene Appel at Eastside Christian Church in Anaheim called “Hope Rising,” which actually launched on Easter Sunday and helped to assimilate more than 100% of his adults in the weeks following.



When I first started doing small group curriculum and church-wide campaigns we were asked by several churches to produce stewardship curriculum. After turning down this option for many years, I finally partnered with JD Greear and the team out at the Summit Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. Not long long after, we produced a series for Miles McPherson at the Rock Church with even better results — we were able to get over 800 people in small groups going through his capital campaign. It had raving success and helped to raise 73 million dollars. Just weeks after that, we partnered with Dr. David Jeremiah at Shadow Mountain Church and had an amazing response where he was able to raise his weekly tithes and offerings by almost $100,000 and secure the final commitments for a new education building. I’ve come to realize this kind of video campaign and church-wide series is one of the most effective things a church can do to maximize their capital campaign initiative.


If you’re interested in hearing more, contact us today!